clear; clc; disp('Example 7.3'); // aim : To determine // the specific entropy of steam // Given values P = 1.5;//pressure,[MN/m^2] T = 273+300;//temperature,[K] // solution // (a) // from steam table cpl = 4.187;// [kJ/kg K] Tf = 471.3;// [K] hfg = 1946;// [kJ/kg] cpv = 2.093;// [kJ/kg K] // usung equation [2] s = cpl*log(Tf/273.15)+hfg/Tf+cpv*log(T/Tf);// [kJ/kg K] mprintf('\n (a) The specific entropy of steam is = %f kJ/kg K\n',s); // (b) // from steam tables s = 6.919;// [kJ/kg K] mprintf('\n (b) The accurate value of specific entropy from steam table is = %f kJ/kg K\n',s); // End