clear; clc; disp('Example 4.3'); // aim : To determine // the specific enthalpy // given values P = 2; // pressure ,[MN/m^2] t = 250; // Temperature, [C] cp = 2.0934; // average value of specific heat capacity, [kJ/kg K] // solution // looking up steam table it shows that at given pressure saturation temperature is 212.4 C,so tf = 212.4; // [C] // hence, Degree_of_superheat = t-tf;// [C] // from table at given temperature 250 C h = 2902; // specific enthalpy of steam at 250 C ,[kJ/kg] mprintf('\nThe specific enthalpy of steam at 2 MN/m^2 with temperature 250 C is = %f kJ/kg \n',h); // Also from steam table enthalpy at saturation temperature is hf = 2797.2 ;// [kJ/kg] // so enthalpy at given temperature is h = hf+cp*(t-tf);// [kJ/kg] mprintf('\n The specific enthalpy at given T and P by alternative path is = %f kJ/kg \n',h); // End