clear; clc; disp('Example 10.10'); // aim : To determine // (a) the mass of steam bled to each feed heater in kg/kg of supply steam // (b) the thermal efficiency of the arrangement // given values P1 = 7;// steam initial pressure, [MN/m^2] T1 = 273+500;// steam initil temperature, [K] P2 = 2;// pressure at stage 1, [MN/m^2] P3 = .5;// pressure at stage 2, [MN/m^2] P4 = .05;// condenser pressure,[MN/m^2] SE = .82;// stage efficiency of turbine // solution // from the enthalpy-entropy chart(Fig10.23) values of specific enthalpies are h1 = 3410;// [kJ/kg] h2_prim = 3045;// [kJ/kg] // h1-h2=SE*(h1-h2_prim), so h2 = h1-SE*(h1-h2_prim);// [kJ/kg] h3_prim = 2790;// [kJ/kg] // h2-h3=SE*(h2-h3_prim), so h3 = h2-SE*(h2-h3_prim);// [kJ/kg] h4_prim = 2450;// [kJ/kg] // h3-h4 = SE*(h3-h4_prim), so h4 = h3-SE*(h3-h4_prim);// [kJ/kg] // from steam table // @ 2 MN/m^2 hf2 = 908.6;// [kJ/kg] // @ .5 MN/m^2 hf3 = 640.1;// [kJ/kg] // @ .05 MN/m^2 hf4 = 340.6;// [kJ/kg] // (a) // for feed heater1 m1 = (hf2-hf3)/(h2-hf3);// mass of bled steam, [kg/kg supplied steam] // for feed heater2 m2 = (1-m1)*(hf3-hf4)/(h3-hf4);// mprintf('\n (a) The mass of steam bled in feed heater 1 is = %f kg/kg supply steam\n',m1); mprintf('\n The mass of steam bled in feed heater 2 is = %f kg/kg supply steam\n',m2); // (b) W = (h1-h2)+(1-m1)*(h2-h3)+(1-m1-m2)*(h3-h4);// theoretical work done, [kJ/kg] Eb = h1-hf2;// energy input in the boiler, [kJ/kg] TE1 = W/Eb;// thermal efficiency mprintf('\n (b) The thermal efficiency of the arrangement is = %f percent\n',TE1*100); // If there is no feed heating hf5 = hf4; h5_prim = 2370;// [kJ/kg] // h1-h5 = SE*(h1-h5_prim), so h5 = h1-SE*(h1-h5_prim);// [kJ/kg] Ei = h1-hf5;//energy input, [kJ/kg] W = h1-h5;// theoretical work, [kJ/kg] TE2 = W/Ei;// thermal efficiency mprintf('\n The thermal efficiency if there is no feed heating is = %f percent\n',TE2*100); // End