clear; clc; close; mtlb_hold on circle([0 0],4,50) //Circle is drawn with (0,0)as center, radius=4. circle([0,0],2,50) a=get("current_axes"); //get the handle of the newly created axes a.data_bounds=[-5,-5;5,5]; for x = -4:2:4 for v = -4:2:4 if(x==0) & (v==0) plot2d(x,v,style=-4) //if x=0 and v=0 then x(dot)and v(d ot) are also zero, thus Fixed point. end if(x==0) & (v>0) plot2d(x,v,style=-12) end if(x==0) & (v<0) plot2d(x,v,style=-13) end if(v==0) & (x>0) plot2d(x,v,style=-7) end if(v==0) & (x<0) plot2d(x,v,style=-6) end end end a=get("current_axes"); //get the handle of the newly created axes a.data_bounds=[-5,-5;5,5]; xtitle("Vector Field","X - Axis ( X )","Y - Axis ( V )") set(gca(),"grid",[2,5]) //Grid on figure function xd=linear511(t,x) xd(1)=x(2); //x(dot); x(2) means v. xd(2)=-50*x(1); //v(dot); x(1) means x.; Taking w^2=50; endfunction bound=[-4,-4,4,4]; //Bounds of x-axis and y-axis as [xmin ymin xma x ymax], change them according to your needs. nrect=15; //increase it to get more number of curves, i.e . more information will be available. set(gca(),"auto_clear","off") //hold on x=linspace(bound(1),bound(3),nrect); y=linspace(bound(2),bound(4),nrect); x0=[]; for i=1:15 x0=[x(i);y(i)]; t0=0; t=0:0.01:3000; xout=ode(x0,t0,t,linear511); plot2d(xout(1,:),xout(2,:)); end