//Example 5_39 clc; clear; close; format('v',6); //given data : //For IL=0;//A V0=60;//V V=200;//V(Supply Voltage) ID=5:40;//mA R=(V-V0)/max(ID);//kohm(R is >= this value) //For IL=ILmax;//A IT=max(ID);//mA ID=min(ID)///mA(ID<=this value) Imax=IT-ID;///mA disp(Imax,"(a) Imax(mA) : "); //Part (b) IL=25;//mA ID=5:40;//mA //Taking minimum current for good regulation IT=min(ID)+IL;///mA Vmax1=IT*R+V0;//V //Taking maximum current for good regulation IT=max(ID)+IL;///mA Vmax2=IT*R+V0;//V disp("(b) Without loss of regulation, V may vary from "+string(Vmax1)+" V to "+string(Vmax2)+" V.");