//Simulating site ambient conditions clc,clear //Given: //Datas are taken from Ex. 27.3 Px=640 //Brake power at site in kW eta_m=85 //Mechanical efficiency in percent px=70 //Site ambient air pressure in kPa py=100 //Standard total barometric pressure in kPa Tx=330 //Site ambient temperature in K Ty=300 //Test ambient temperature in K p2_py=2.5 //Pressure ratio by=238 //Specific fuel consumption at test in g/kWh //Solution: //Refer table 27.1, 27.2 and 27.3 m=0.7,n=1.2,q=1 //Exponents ky=(py/px)^m //The ratio of indicated power at test alphay=ky-0.7*(1-ky)*(100/eta_m-1) //Power adjustment factor at test Py=round(Px*alphay) //Brake power at test in kW //From fig 27.1 Tx_Ty=Tx/Ty //Temperature ratio p1_py=0.925 //Ratio p1=p1_py*py //Air pressure after throttle in kPa (printing error) Betay=ky/alphay //Fuel consumption adjustment factor at test bx=by/Betay //Specific fuel consumption at site in g/kWh //Results: printf("\n Power developed on the test bed, Py = %d kW",Py) printf("\n The pressure behind the throttle plate, p1 = %.1f kPa",p1) printf("\n The fuel consumption adjusted to site ambient conditions, bx = %d g/kWh",bx) //Answer in the book is printed wrong