// FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTICAL MACHINES // M.A.SALAM // NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE // SECOND EDITION // Chapter 8 : STARTING, CONTROL AND TESTING OF AN INDUCTION MOTOR // Example : 8.5 clc;clear; // clears the console and command history // Given data V = 210 // supply voltage in V f = 50 // supply frequency in Hz P = 4 // number of poles P_0 = 400 // i/p power in W I_0 = 1.2 // line current in A V_0 = 210 // line voltage P_fw = 150 // total friction and windage losses in W R = 2.2 // stator resistance between two terminals in ohm // caclulations R_1 = R/2 // per phase stator resistance in ohm P_scu = 3*I_0^2*R_1 // copper loss in W P_core = P_0-P_fw-P_scu // stator core loss in W R_0 = (V_0/sqrt(3))^2/(P_core/3) // no-load resistance in ohm // alternate approach phi_0 = acosd(P_core/(sqrt(3)*V_0*I_0)) // power factor angle X_0 = (V_0/sqrt(3))/(I_0*sind(phi_0)) // magnetizing reactance per phase in ohm // display the result disp("Example 8.6 solution"); printf(" \n No-load resistance \n R_0 = %.1f ohm \n", R_0 ); printf(" \n Magnetizing reactance per phase \n X_0 = %.0f ohm \n", X_0 );