// FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTICAL MACHINES // M.A.SALAM // NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE // SECOND EDITION // Chapter 7 : THREE-PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR // Example : 7.7 clc;clear; // clears the console and command history // Given data V = 440 // supply voltage in V P = 6 // number of poles f = 50 // frequency in Hz P_a = 45000 // i/p power N_l = 900 // speed in rpm P_tloss = 2000 // total power loss in W // caclulations N_s = 120*f/P // synchronous speed in rpm s = (N_s-N_l)/N_s // slip P_ag = (P_a-P_tloss) // air gap power in W P_rcu = s*P_ag // rotor copper loss in W P_mech = P_ag-P_rcu // mechanical power in W P_0 = P_mech-3000 // o/p power in W n = (P_0/P_ag)*100 // efficiency since n = P_o/P_in // display the result disp("Example 7.7 solution"); printf(" \n Slip \n s = %.1f \n", s ); printf(" \n Rotor copper loss \n P_rcu = %.f W \n", P_rcu ); printf(" \n Out put power \n P_0 = %.f W \n", P_0 ); printf(" \n Efficiency \n n = %.f percent \n", n );