// FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTICAL MACHINES // M.A.SALAM // NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE // SECOND EDITION // Chapter 6 : CONTROL AND STARTING OF A DC MOTORS // Example : 6.4 clc;clear; // clears the console and command history // Given data N = 1100 // speed of dc series motor in rpm P = 4 // number of poles I_a1 = 15 // supply current to dc series motor in A V_t = 220 // supply voltage in V R_a = 0.9 // series armature resistance in ohm R_se1 = 0.6 // series field resistance in ohm I_a2 = 25 // supply current to dc series motor in A // phi2 = 0.8*phi1 // phi1/phi2 = 1.25 // caclulations E_b1 = V_t-I_a1*(R_a+R_se1) // back emf in V R_se2 = 0.6/4 // value of resistance per path in ohm E_b2 = V_t-I_a2*(R_a+R_se2) // back emf in V N_2 = (E_b2/E_b1)*1.25*N // new speed in rpm // display the result disp("Example 6.4 solution"); printf(" \n New speed \n N_2 = %.1f rpm \n", N_2);