// FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTICAL MACHINES // M.A.SALAM // NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE // SECOND EDITION // Chapter 5 : DIRECT CURRENT MOTORS // Example : 5.3 clc;clear; // clears the console and command history // Given data R_a = 0.7; // armature circuit resistance in Ω V_t = 5; // applied voltage in V I_anl = 5; // no-load armature current in A I_afl = 35; // full-load armature current in A // caclulations E_bnl = V_t - R_a*I_anl; // back emf under no-load in V E_bfl = V_t - R_a*I_afl; // back emf under full-load in V E_bc = E_bnl - E_bfl; // change in back emf from no-load to full load in V // display the result disp("Example 5.3 solution"); printf("\n The change in back emf is \n E_bc = %d V ",E_bc );