// FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTICAL MACHINES // M.A.SALAM // NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE // SECOND EDITION // Chapter 3 : TRANSFORMER AND PER UNIT SYSTEM // Example : 3.6 clc;clear; // clears the console and command history // Given data V_1 = 2000 // primary voltage of transformer in V V_2 = 400 // secondary voltage of transformer in V kVA = 200 // kVA rating of transformer R_1 = 3 // primary resistance in Ω X_1 = 12 // primary reactance in Ω R_2 = 0.3 // secondary resistance in Ω X_2 = 0.1 // secondary reactance in Ω // caclulations a = V_1/V_2 // turn ratio R_01 = R_1+(a^2*R_2) // total resistance referred to primary side Ω X_01 = X_1+(a^2*X_2) // total reactance referred to primary side Ω Z_01 = sqrt((R_01^2)+(X_01^2)) // equivalent impedance reffered to primary side in Ω R_02 = R_2+(R_1/a^2) // total resistance referred to secondary side Ω X_02 = X_2+(X_1/a^2) // total reactance referred to secondary side Ω Z_02 = sqrt((R_02^2)+(X_02^2)) // equivalent impedance reffered to secondary side in Ω // display the result disp("Example 3.6 solution"); printf(" \n Equivalent impedance reffered to primary side \n Z_01 = %.1f Ω \n", Z_01); printf(" \n Equivalent impedance reffered to secondary side \n Z_02 = %.2f Ω \n", Z_02);