// FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTICAL MACHINES // M.A.SALAM // NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE // SECOND EDITION // Chapter 3 : TRANSFORMER AND PER UNIT SYSTEM // Example : 3.11 clc;clear; // clears the console and command history // Given data V_1 = 200 // voltage in V f = 50 // frequency in Hz I_0 = 0.6 // single phase current in A P_0 = 80 // power in W // caclulations cos_phi0 = P_0/(V_1*I_0) // power factor sin_phi0 = 0.74 // from above expression I_w = I_0*cos_phi0 // working component of no load current in A I_m = I_0*sin_phi0 // working component of no load current in A R_0 = V_1/I_w // no load circuit resistance in ohm X_0 = V_1/I_m // no load circuit reactance in ohm // display the result disp("Example 3.11 solution"); printf(" \n No-load circuit resistance \n R_0 = %.2f ohm \n", R_0); printf(" \n No-load circuit reactance \n X_0 = %.1f ohm \n", X_0);