// FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTICAL MACHINES // M.A.SALAM // NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE // SECOND EDITION // Chapter 2 : BESICS OF MAGNETIC CIRCUITS // Example : 2.2 clc;clear; // clears the console and command history // Given data d_in = 3 // inside diameter of iron toroid in cm d_out = 6 // outside diameter of iron toroid in cm N =200 // number of turns I = 3 // current in A flux = 0.015 // flux in Wb // caclulations d = d_in+((d_out-d_in)/2) // distance in cm l = %pi*d // mean length in cm A = %pi*d^2/4 // area in cm^2 B =flux/(A*10^-4) // flux density in mWb/m^2 MMF = N*I // magnetomotive force in At H = (N*I)/(l*10^-2) // magnetic field intensity in At/m // display the result disp("Example 2.2 solution"); printf("\n Flux density \n B= %.6f mWb/m^2 \n", B); printf(" \n Magnetomotive force \n MMF= %.2f At \n", MMF); printf(" \n Magnetic field intensity \n H= %.2f At/m \n", H); printf(" NOTE:correction in solution they took d=1.5 insted of 4.5")