// FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTICAL MACHINES // M.A.SALAM // NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE // SECOND EDITION // Chapter 2 : BESICS OF MAGNETIC CIRCUITS // Example : 2.10 clc;clear; // clears the console and command history // Given data A = 2*10^-4 // cross sectional area in m^2 N = 200 // number of turns flux = 1.5*10^-3 // flux in Wb myu_r = 4000 // relative permiability of core l_1 = 0.01 // length in m a = 9 // length in cm w = 3 // width in cm // caclulations myu = myu_r*4*%pi*10^-7 // permiability l_2 = (4*(a-w-w+(1.5+1.5))-1) // mean length in cm R_mg = l_1/(4*%pi*10^-7*A) // reluctance of iron for air gap At/Wb R_mi = l_2*10^-2/(myu*A) // reluctance of iron for air gapAt/Wb R_mt = R_mg+R_mi // total relectance in At/Wb I = R_mt*flux/N // current in A // display the result disp("Example 2.10 solution"); printf(" \n Current flowing through the coil \n I = %.0f A \n", I); // NOTE : In question they given flux=2.5mWb but in solution they took flux=1.5mWb