// FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTICAL MACHINES // M.A.SALAM // NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE // SECOND EDITION // Chapter 1 : REVIEW OF ELECRTIC CIRCUITS // Example : 1.7 clc;clear; // clears the console and command history // Given data Z_p = 10+%i*15 // per phase impedance in Ω V_ab = 420 // magnitude of phase voltage in V V_bc = 420*exp(%i*(-120)*(%pi/180))// magnitude of phase voltage in V V_ca = 420*exp(%i*(120)*(%pi/180)) // magnitude of phase voltage in V // caclulations I_ab = V_ab/Z_p // phase current in A I_bc = V_bc/Z_p // phase current in A I_ca = V_ca/Z_p // phase current in A I_P = V_ab/abs(Z_p) I_L = sqrt(3)*I_P // line current in A // display the result disp("Example 1.7 solution"); printf(" \n Phase currents are \n I_ab = %.2f<%.2f A \n", abs(I_ab),atand(imag(I_ab),real(I_ab)) ); printf(" I_bc = %.2f<% 2f A \n", abs(I_bc),atand(imag(I_bc),real(I_bc)) ); printf(" I_ca = %.2f<% 2f A \n", abs(I_ca),atand(imag(I_ca),real(I_ca)) ); printf(" \n Line current \n I_L = %.2f A \n", I_L);