//Page Number: 8.13 //Example 8.12 clc; //Given, Noise figure NF=2; //dB F=(10^(NF/10)); AG=12; //dB A=(10^(AG/10)); //(a)Total Output Noise Power //Also given,Input signal power Pi=1; //W //Input Noise power Pni Pni=100D-3; //W //Input SNR Isnr=Pi/Pni; //Output SNR Osnr=Isnr/F; //Total output signal power Po=Pi*A; //W //Total output noise power N=Po/Osnr; //W disp('W',N,'Total Output Noise Power'); //(b)Signal to Noise and disortion ratio //Given. 2% is disortion Di=2/100; //Total disortion D=Di*A; //W //Useful Power S=(1-Di)*A; //W //As given,SNAD=10*(log10(S+N+D)/(N+D)); SNAD=10*(log10((S+N+D)/(N+D))); disp('dB',SNAD,'SNAD:');