//Eg-7.7 //pg-346 clear clc close() x0 = [1 2 3 4 5]; x1 = [0.11 0.25 0.37 0.42 0.55]; y = [8.3 13.7 22.5 27.9 34.4]; //Using A in the place of greek alphabet 'alpha' //Using equations [34],[35] to get the elements of the coefficient matrix and the components on the right-hand side of y = A + b1*x0 + b2*x1; //Using S for summation eg: Sx02y => summation(x0^2*y) m = length(y); n = 2; //since there are only 2 variables Sx0 = sum(x0); Sx02 = sum(x0.^2); Sx1 = sum(x1); Sx12 = sum(x1.^2); Sx0x1 = sum(x0.*x1); Sy = sum(y); Sx0y = sum(x0.*y); Sx1y = sum(x1.*y); a(1,1) = Sx02 - Sx0^2/m; a(1,2) = Sx0x1 - Sx0*Sx1/m; a(2,1) = a(1,2); a(2,2) = Sx12 - Sx1^2/m; c(1,1) = Sx0y - Sx0*Sy/m; c(2,1) = Sx1y - Sx1*Sy/m; b = inv(a)*c; //Using equation [37] to compute the coefficient A A = (Sy - (b(1)*Sx0 + b(2)*Sx1))/m; printf('\nThe lease square polynomial of second order is, thus \n y = %f + (%f)*x0 + (%f)*x1\n\n',A,b(1),b(2)) printf('Note: The small error compared to the text-book is because of the calculation mistake in the text-book\n')