//Eg-3.3 //pg-71 clear clc // Matrix dimensions for a 3*3 coefficient matrix n=3; //First pass k=0; //Number of divisions per pass i.e for a particular value of 'k' ndiv=n-k-1; //Number of multiplications nmul=(n-k)*(n-k-1); //Total number of multiplications and divisions ntot=nmul+ndiv; //Displaying result disp("total number of divisions and multiplications from formulae derived") disp(ntot) //Verifying result from example 3.2 by taking k=1(first pass) // Matrices A and B (AX=B) a=[1 1 -1;1 2 -2;-2 1 1]; [n,n]=size(a); b=[1;0;1]; //Augumented matrix of A and B auga=[a b]; //initialising nm(no of multiplications),nd(no. of divisions) nd=0; nm=0; //Forward elimination for k=1//only first pass is considered for i=(k+1):n factr=auga(i,k)/auga(k,k); nd=nd+1; auga(i,:)=auga(i,:)-factr*auga(k,:); nm=nm+3;//since each row has 3 elements of A,hence 3 multiplications end end //Total number of divisions and multiplications nt=nd+nm; //Verifying result disp("total number of divisions and multiplications from code of example 3.2") disp(nt) disp("both are same")