//Eg-13.7 //pg-537 clear clc A = 0.9; B = 0.09; y(1) = 1; deff('out = func(in1,in2)','out = A*in2 - B*in2^2') h = 0.5; //Given the expression of analytical solution : y(t) = 10/(1+9*exp(-0.9*t)) //The index again is 1-11 instead of 0-10 for(i = 1:11) x(i) = 0 + (i-1)*h; yex(i) = 10/(1+9*exp(-0.9*x(i))) end a = (2^0.5-1)/2; b = (2-2^0.5)/2; c = -(2^0.5)/2; d = 1 + (2^0.5)/2; printf(' x yRKG yExact\n') for(i = 1:10) k1(i) = h*func(x(i),y(i)); k2(i) = h*func(x(i)+h/2,y(i)+k1(i)/2); k3(i) = h*func(x(i)+h/2,y(i)+a*k1(i)+b*k2(i)); k4(i) = h*func(x(i)+h,y(i)+c*k2(i)+d*k3(i)); y(i+1) = y(i) + 1/6*(k1(i)+2*b*k2(i)+2*d*k3(i)+k4(i)); printf('%f %f %f\n',x(i+1),y(i+1),yex(i+1)) end printf('\nTherefore, it is observed that the RKG solution closely matches \nwith the analytical solution.\n')