disp('the lower triangular matrix is:') L=[1 0 0;-1 1 0;2 -5 1]; disp(L) disp('the upper triangular matrix is:') U=[3 -7 -2;0 -2 -1;0 0 -1]; disp(U) disp('the RHS of the equations are') b=[-7;5;2]; disp(b) disp('combining matrices L and b') c=[L b]; disp(c) disp('performing row operations') disp('R2=R2+R1') c(2,:)=c(2,:)+c(1,:) disp(c) disp('R3=R3-2*R1') c(3,:)=c(3,:)-2*c(1,:) disp(c) disp('R3=R3+5*R2') c(3,:)=c(3,:)+5*c(2,:) disp(c) y=c(:,4) disp(y,'y=') disp('combining U and y') d=[U y]; disp(d) disp('performing row operations') disp('R3=R3/-6') d(3,:)=d(3,:)/(-1) disp(d) disp('R2=R2+R3 and R1=R1+2*R3') d(2,:)=d(2,:)+d(3,:) d(1,:)=d(1,:)+2*d(3,:) disp(d) disp('R1=R1-3.5*R2') d(1,:)=d(1,:)-3.5*d(2,:) disp(d) disp('R1=R1/3 and R2=R2/-2') d(1,:)=d(1,:)/3 d(2,:)=d(2,:)/(-2) disp(d) disp('the solution is:') x=d(:,4) disp(x,'x=')