//Variable declaration: x = 0.3 //Length from the leading age of the plate (m) L = 1.2 //Length of plate (m) TS = 58.0 //Surface temperature of plate (°C) Ta = 21.0 //Temperature of flowing air (°C) //Calculation: hx = 25/x**0.4 //Local heat transfer coefficient at 0.3m (W/m^2.K) (Part 1) syms y //Length hy = 25/y**0.4 //hx at the end of the plate (W/m^2.K) h = integrate(hy, y,0,L)/L //Average heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K) Q = hx*(TS-Ta) //Heat flux at 0.3m from leading edge of plate (W/m^2) hL = 25/L**0.4 //Local heat transfer coefficient at plate end (W/m^2.K) (Part 2) r = h/hL //Ratio h/hL at the end of the plate //Result: printf("1. The heat flux at 0.3 m from the leading edge of the plate is : %.0f W/m^2.",Q) printf("2. The local heat transfer coefficient at the end of the plate is : %.1f W/m^2.K.",hL) disp("3. The ratio h/hL at the end of plate is : ") disp(r)