//Variable declaration: k = 60.0 //Thermal conductivity of rod (W/m.K) p = 7850.0 //Density of rod (kg/m^3) Cp = 434.0 //Heat capacity of rod (J/kg.K) h = 140.0 //Convection heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K) D = 0.01 //Diameter of rod (m) kf = 0.6 //Thermal conductivity of fluid (W/m.K) L = 2.5 //Length of rod (m) Ts = 250.0 //Surface temperature of rod (°C) Tf = 25.0 //Fluid temperature (°C) //Calculation: //Case 1: a = k/(p*Cp) //Thermal diffusivity of bare rod (m^2/s) //Case 2: Nu = h*D/kf //Nusselt number //Case 3: Bi = h*D/k //Biot number of bare rod //Case 4: Q = h*(%pi*D*L)*(Ts-Tf) //Heat transferred from rod to fluid (W) //Result: printf("1. The thermal diffusivity of the bare rod is : %.2f x 10^-5 m^2/s.",a/10**-5) printf("2. The nusselt number is : %.2f .",Nu) printf("3. The Biot number is : %.4f .",Bi) printf("4. The heat transferred from the rod to the fluid is : %.0f W.",Q)