//Variable declaration: TC = 27.0 //Inside temperature of walls (°C) TH = 68.7 //Outside temperature of walls (°C) LC = 6*0.0254 //Thickness of concrete (m) LB = 8*0.0254 //Thickness of cork-board (m) LW = 1*0.0254 //Thickness of wood (m) kC = 0.762 //Thermal conductivity of concrete (W/m.K) kB = 0.0433 //Thermal conductivity of cork-board (W/m.K) kW = 0.151 //Thermal conductivity of wood (W/m.K) //Calculation: RC = LC/kC //Thermal resistance of concrete (K/W) RB = LB/kB //Thermal resistance of cork-board (K/W) RW = LW/kW //Thermal resistance of wood (K/W) Q = (TC-TH)/(RC+RB+RW) //Heat transfer rate across the wall (W) T = -(Q*RW-TC) //Interface temperature between wood and cork-board (K) //Result: printf("The heat transfer rate across the wall is : %.3f W.",Q) printf("The interface temperature between wood and cork-board is : %.1f °C.",T) printf("The interface temperature between wood and cork-board is : %.1f K.",T+273)