//Variable declaration: n = 3500.0 //Inlet flowrate of water (gal/min) Cp_W = 75.4 //Heat capacity of water (J/(gmol . °C) p = 62.4 //Density of water (lb/ft^3) M = 24*60.0 //Minutes in a day (min/day) G = 7.48 //Gallons in a feet cube (gal/ft^3) gm = 454.0 //Grams in a pound (g/lb) J = 1054.0 //Joules in a Btu (J/Btu) g = 18.0 //Grams in a gmol (g/gmol) F = 1.8 //Degree fahrenheit in a degree celcius (°F) Ti = 38.0 //Initial temperature (°F) Tf = 36.2 //Final temperature (°F) //Calculations: T= Ti-Tf //Temperature loss (°F) m = n*p*M/G //Mass flow rate of water (lb/day) Cp = Cp_W*gm/J/g/F //Heat capacity in cosistent units (Btu/(lb.°F)) Q = m*Cp*T //Rate of heat flow from water (Btu/day) //Result: printf ("The rate of Btu removed from the water per day is : %.2f x 10**8 Btu/day.",Q/10**8) printf ("There is a calculation mistake in the book regarding the final result.")