//Variable declaration: m = 50000 //Mass flowrate of the organic fluid (lb/h) cP = 0.6 //The heat capacity of the organic liquid (Btu/lb. F) T1 = 150 //Initial temperature of organic fluid ( F) T2 = 330 //Final temperature of organic fluid ( F) Ts1 = 358 //Saturation temperature for 150 psia ( F) Ts2 = 417 //Saturation temperature for 300 psia ( F) L1 = 863.6 //Latent heat for 150 psia (Btu/lb) L2 = 809 //Latent heat for 300 psia (Btu/lb) c1 = 5.20/1000 //Cost for 150 psia ($/lb) c2 = 5.75/1000 //Cost for 300 psia ($/lb) CI1 = 230 //Cost index in 1998 CI2 = 360 //Cost index in 2011 IF = 3.29 //Installation factor PF1 = 1.15 //Pressure factors for 100 to 200 psig PF2 = 1.20 //Pressure factors for 200 to 300 psig OP = 90/100 //Plant on-stream operation factor h = 365*24 //Hours in a year (h) //Calculation: Q = m*cP*(T2-T1) //Overall heta duty (Btu/h) DT1 = Ts1-T1 //Temperature driving force 1 for 150 psia ( F) DT2 = Ts1-T2 //Temperature driving force 2 for 150 psia ( F) LMTD1 = (DT1-DT2)/log(DT1/DT2) //Log-mean temperature difference for 150 psia ( F) DT3 = Ts2-T1 //Temperature driving force 1 for 300 psia ( F) DT4 = Ts2-T2 //Temperature driving force 2 for 300 psia ( F) LMTD2 = (DT3-DT4)/log(DT3/DT4) //Log-mean temperature difference for 1300 psia ( F) A1 = Q/(138*LMTD1) //Required heat transfer area for 150 psia (ft^2) A2 = Q/(138*LMTD2) //Required heat transfer area for 300 psia (ft^2) BC1 = 117*A1**0.65 //Base cost for 150 psia ($) BC2 = 117*A2**0.65 //Base cost for 13000 psia ($) C1 = BC1*(CI2/CI1)*IF*PF1 //Capital cost for 150 psia ($) C2 = BC2*(CI2/CI1)*IF*PF2 //Capital cost for 300 psia ($) S1 = Q*(h*OP)/L1 //Steam requirement for 150 psia (lb/yr) S2 = Q*(h*OP)/L2 //Steam requirement for 300 psia (lb/yr) SC1 = S1*c1 //Annual steam cost for 150 psia ($/yr) SC2 = S2*c2 //Annual steam cost for 300 psia ($/yr) C1 = round(C1*10**-3)/10**-3 C2 = round(C2*10**-3)/10**-3 SC1 = round(SC1*10**-3)/10**-3 SC2 = round(SC2*10**-3)/10**-3 //Result: printf("1. The capital cost for 150 psia is : $ %f",C1) printf(" The capital cost for 300 psia is : $ %f",C2) printf("2. The annual steam cost for 150 psia is : $ %f /yr .",SC1) printf(" The annual steam cost for 300 psia is : $ %f /yr .",SC2) if (C1SC2) then printf("The 300-psia exchanger costs less to purchase and install, but it costs more to operate. Choosing the more expensive, 150-psia exchanger is the obvious choice.") else if (C1>C2 & SC1