//Variable declaration: t = 273 //Standard temperature (K) v = 0.0224 //Volume of air occupied by 1 gmol of ideal gas (m^3) V = 1100 //Volume of heat exchanger (m^3) T = 22+273 //Temperature of heat exchanger (K) x1 = 0.75 //gmols of hydrocarbon leaking from the exchanger (gmol) //Calculation: n = V*(1/v)*(t/T) //Total number of gmols of air in the room (gmol) xHC = (x1/(n+x1))*10**6 //The mole fraction of hydrocarbon in the room (ppm) ans = round((xHC*1000)*10**-1)/10**-1 //Result: printf("1. The mole fraction of hydrocarbon in the room is : %f ppb .",ans)