//Variable declaration: Q1 = 10*10**6 //Unit heat duty for process unit 1 (Btu/h) Q2 = 8*10**6 //Unit heat duty for process unit 2 (Btu/h) Q3 = 12*10**6 //Unit heat duty for process unit 3 (Btu/h) Q4 = 20*10**6 //Unit heat duty for process unit 4 (Btu/h) hv = 751 //Enthalpy of vaporization for pressure 500 psig (Btu/lb) //Calculation: mB1 = Q1/hv //Mass flowrate of 500 psig steam through unit 1 (lb/h) mB2 = Q2/hv //Mass flowrate of 500 psig steam through unit 2 (lb/h) mB3 = Q3/hv //Mass flowrate of 500 psig steam through unit 3 (lb/h) mB4 = Q4/hv //Mass flowrate of 500 psig steam through unit 4 (lb/h) mBT = mB1+mB2+mB3+mB4 //Total steam required (lb/h) mBT = round(mBT*10**-1)/10**-1 //Result: printf("The total steam required is : %f lb/h.",mBT)