//Variable declaration: h = 140 //Convention heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K) D1 = 10/10**3 //Rod diameter (m) L = 2.5 //Rod length (m) T1 = 200 //Surface temperature of rod ( C) T2 = 25 //Fluid temperature ( C) k = 1.4 //Thermal conductivity of bakellite (W/m.K) l = 55/10**3 //Insulation thickness (m) //Calculation: Q1 = h*%pi*D1*L*(T1-T2) //Rate of heat transfer for the bare rod (W) (part 1) Bi = 2 //Critical Biot number (part 2) D2 = Bi*k/h //Critical diameter associated with the bakelite coating (m) r2 = D2/2 //Critical radius associated with the bakelite coating (m) r1 = D1/2 //Rod radius (m) R1 = log(r2/r1)/(2*%pi*k*L) //Insulation conduction resistance ( C/W) R2 = 1/(h*(2*%pi*r2*L)) //Convection thermal resistance ( C/W) Rt1 = R1+R2 //Total thermal resistance ( C/W) Qc = (T1-T2)/Rt1 //Heat transfer rate at the critical radius (W) r3 = r1+l //New radius associated with the bakelite coating after insulation (m) (part 3) R3 = log(r3/r1)/(2*%pi*k*L) //Insulation conduction bakelite resistance ( C/W) R4 = 1/(h*(2*%pi*r3*L)) //Convection bakelite thermal resistance ( C/W) Rt2 = R3+R4 //Total bakelite thermal resistance ( C/W) Q2 = (T1-T2)/Rt2 //Heat transfer rate at the bakelite critical radius (W) Re = ((Q1-Q2)/Q1)*100 //Percent reduction in heat transfer rate relative to the case of a bare rod (%) //Result: printf("1. The rate of heat transfer for the bare rod is : %0.f W .",Q1) printf("2. The critical radius associated with the bakelite coating is : %.0f mm.",r2*10**3) printf(" & the heat transfer rate at the critical radius is : %.0f W .",Qc) printf("3. The fractional reduction in heat transfer rate relative to the case of a bare rod is : %.1f ",Re)