//Variable declaration: Lf = 6/12 //Length of firebrick (ft) kf = 0.61 //Thermal conductivity of firebrick (Btu/h.ft. F) A = 480 //Surface area of wall (ft^2) Lw = 8/12 //Length of rock wool (ft) kw = 0.023 //Thermal conductivity of rock wool (Btu/h.ft. F) T1 = 1900 //Temperature of insulation of firebrick ( F) T2 = 140 //Temperature of insulation of rock wool ( F) //Calculation: Rf = Lf/(kf*A) //Resistance of firebrick (h. F/Btu) Rw = Lw/(kw*A) //Resistance of rock wool (h. F/Btu) R = Rf+Rw //Total resitance (h. F/Btu) Q = (T1-T2)/R //Heat loss through the wall (Btu/h) //Result: printf("The heat loss through the wall is : %.0f Btu/h .",Q)