//Variable declaration: H = 2.5 //Height of wall (m) W = 4 //Width of wall (m) h = 11 //Convective heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K) T1 = 24 //Outside surface temperature ( C) T3 = -15 //Outside air temperature ( C) L = 7.62/10**3 //Insulation thickness (m) k = 0.04 //Thermal conductivity of wool (W/m.K) //Calculation: A = H*W //Heat transfer area (m^2) Q = h*A*(T1-T3) //Heat transfer rate (W) Ri = L/(k*A) //Insuation resistance (K/W) Rc = 1/(h*A) //Convective resitance (K/W) R = Ri+Rc //Total resistance (K/W) Qt = (T1-T3)/R //Revised heat transfer rate (Btu/h) //Result: printf("1. The heat transfer rate without insulation is : %.0f W .",Q) printf("Or, the heat transfer rate without insulation is : %.0f Btu/h .",Q*3.412) printf("2. The revised heat transfer rate with insulation is : %.0f W .",Qt) printf("Or, the revised heat transfer rate with insulation is : %.0f Btu/h .",Qt*3.412) printf("There is a calculation mistake in book.")