//Variable declaration: T1 = 2000 //Hot gas temperature ( F) T2 = 550 //Cool gas temperature ( F) T3 = 330 //Steam temperature ( F) T4 = 140 //Water temperature ( F) m = 30000 //Mass flow rate of steam (lb/h) cp = 0.279 //Average heat capacity of gas (Btu/lb. F) N = 800 //Number of boiler tubes //Calculation: DT = (T1-T3)/(T2-T3) //Temperature difference ratio Tav = (T1+T2)/2 //Average gas temperature ( F) //From steam tables (Appendix): hs = 1187.7 //Steam enthalpy (Btu/lb) hw = 107.89 //Water enthalpy (Btu/lb) Q = m*(hs-hw) //Heat duty (Btu/h) mh = Q/cp*(T1-T2) //Mass flow rate of gas (lb/h) x = mh/N //Gas mass flow rate per tube (lb/h) //From figure 18.5: L = 15 //Length of boiler tubes (ft) //Result: printf("The length of boiler tubes is : %f ft .",L)