//Variable declaration: Nf = 125 //Array of fins per meter w = 1 //Length of fin (m) //From example 17.15: t = 4/10**3 //Thickness of fin (m) Do = 50/10**3 //Outside diameter of tube (m) Af = 7.157*10**-3 //Fin surface area (m^2) h = 40 //Heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K) DTb = 180 //Excess temperature at the base of the fin (K) Qf = 50 //Fin heat transfer rate (W) //Calculation: ro = Do/2 //Radius of tube (m) wb = w-Nf*t //Unfinned exposed base length (m) Ab = 2*%pi*ro*wb //Area of the base of the fin (m^2) At = Ab+Nf*Af //Total heat transfer surface area (m^2) Qw = h*(2*%pi*ro*w)*DTb //Heat rate without fin (W) Qb = h*Ab*DTb //Heat rate from the base (W) Qft = Nf*Qf //Heat rate from the fin (W) Qt = Qb+Qft //Total heat rate (W) Qm = h*At*DTb //Maximum heat transfer rate (W) n = Qt/Qm //Overall fin efficiency E = Qt/Qw //Overall fin effectiveness Rb = 1/(h*Ab) //Thermal resistance of base ( C/W) Rf = 1/(h*Nf*Af*n) //Thermal resistance of fin ( C/W) //Result: printf("The rate of heat transfer per unit length of tube is : %.1f W .",Qt) printf("Or, the rate of heat transfer per unit length of tube is : %.2f kW .",Qt/10**3) printf("The overall fin efficiency is : %.1f %%",n*100) printf("The overall fin effectiveness is : %.2f .",E)