//Variable declaration: Ts = 100.0 //Saturation temperature (u00b0C) t1 = 25.0 //Initial temperature of water (u00b0C) t2 = 73.0 //Final temperature of water (u00b0C) m = 228.0/3600.0 //Mass flow rate of water (kg/s) cp = 4174.0 //Heat capacity of water (J/kg.K) m_s = 55.0/3600.0 //Mass flow rate of steam (kg/s) h_vap = 2.26*10**26 //Latent heat of condensation (J/kg) k = 54.0 //Thermal conductivity for 0.5% carbon steel (W/m.K) rii = 0.013 //Inner radius of inner %pipe of the double %pipe heat exchanger (m) roi = 0.019 //Outer radius of inner %pipe of the double %pipe heat exchanger (m) Rf = 0.0002 //Fouling factor (m^2.K/W) Uc = 0.00045 //Clean overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K) //Calculation: DT1 = Ts-t1 //Temperature driving force at end 1 (K) DT2 = Ts-t2 //Temperature driving force at end 2 (K) DTlm = (DT1-DT2)/(log(DT1/DT2)) //Log mean difference temperature (u00b0C) Cw =m*cp //Capacitance rate of water (W/K) Q = Cw*(t2-t1) //Heat transfer rate (W) Qmax1 = Cw*(Ts-t1) //Maximum heat term from the water stream (W) Qmax2 = m_s*h_vap //Maximum heat term from the steam (W) E = Q/Qmax1 //Effectiveness Lmin = (Q*(log(roi/rii)))/(2*%pi*k*(Ts-t1)) //Minimum required length of heat exchanger (m) Ud = 1.0/(1.0/Uc+Rf) //Dirty overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K) ud = round(1/Ud * 10**-1)/10**-1 //Result: printf("1. The temperature profile of the water and steam along the length of the exchanger is : %.0f C .",DTlm) printf("2. Effectiveness of energy from steam to heat the water is : %.3f .",E) printf("3. The minimum length of the heat exchanger is : %.3f m .",Lmin) printf("4. The dirty overall heat transfer coefficient : %.5f W/m^2.K",Ud) printf("5. U_dirty: %f W/m^2.K",ud)