//Variable declaration: T_sat = 126.0 //Saturation temperature (°F) T = 64.0 //Surface temperature of tube (°F) g = 32.2 //Gravitational acceleration (ft^2/s) D = 4.0/12.0 //Outside diameter of tube (ft) //Calculation: Tf = (T_sat+T)/2.0 //Mean film temperature (°F) //From approximate values of key properties: h_vap = 1022.0 //Latent heat of steam (Btu/lb) p_v = 0.00576 //Density of steam (lb/ft^3) p_l = 62.03 //Density of liquid (lb/ft^3) k_l = 0.364 //Thermal conductivity of liquid (Btu/h.ft.°F) mu_l = 4.26*10**-4 //Absolute viscosity of liquid water condensate (lb/ft.s) h = 0.725*((p_l*(p_l-p_v)*g*h_vap*k_l**3)/(mu_l*D*(T_sat-T)/3600.0))**(1.0/4.0) //Average heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2.°F) //Result: printf("The average heat transfer coefficient is : %.1f Btu/h.ft^2.°F.",h)