//Variable declaration: //From example 12.5: Re = 73.9 //Reynolds number mu_l = 2.82*10**-4 //Absolute viscosity of liquid water condensate (kg/m.s) Pw = 0.2 //Wetted perimeter of rectangular plate (m) h = 14700.0 //Heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K) T_sat = 100.0 //Saturation temperature (°C) Ts = 98.0 //Surface temperature (°C) A = 0.2*0.4 //Heat transfer area of plate (m^2) //Calculation: m1 = Re*mu_l/4.0 //Mass flow rate of condensate (kg/m.s) m = Pw*m1 //Mass flow rate of condensate (kg/s) Co = (3.038*10**-5)*h //Condensation number Q = h*A*(T_sat-Ts) //Heat transfer rate (W) //Result: printf("1. The mass flow rate of condensate is : %.4f kg/m.s.",m1) printf("2. The heat transfer rate is : %.2f kW.",Q/10**3)