//Variable declaration: T1 = 99.0 //Mean film temperature (°C) T2 = 98.0 //Plate surface temperature (°C) g = 9.807 //Gravitational acceleration (m/s^2) //From Appendix: T3 = 100.0 //Saturation temperatre (°C) h_vap1 = 970.3 //Latent heat of steam in Btu/lb (Btu/lb) h_vap2 = 2.255*10**6 //Latent heat of steam in J/kg (J/kg) p_v = 0.577 //Density of steam (kg/m^3) p_l = 960.0 //Density of liquid water condensate (kg/m^3) mu_l = 2.82*10**-4 //Absolute viscosity of liquid water condensate (kg/m.s) k = 0.68 //Thermal conductivity of water (W/m.K) //From table 12.2 Z = 0.4 //Height of rectangular plate (m) Pw = 0.2 //Wetted perimeter of rectangular plate (m) syms h //Average heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K) //Calculation: A = Z*Pw //Heat transfer area of plate (m^2) R = A/Pw //Ratio A/Pw (m) v_l = mu_l/p_l //Kinematic viscosity of liquid water condensate (m^2/s) Co1 = (h/k)*(v_l**2/g/(1-p_v/p_l))**(1/3) //Condensation number (in terms of the average heat transfer coefficient) Re = 4*h*Z*(T3-T2)/(mu_l*h_vap2) //Reynolds number in terms of the average heat transfer coefficient //From equation 12.14: CO1 = 0.0077*Re**Z //Co in terms of Reynolds number for flow type 1 x1 = solve(h,Co1-CO1) //Solving heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K) h1 =x1(2); //Average heat transfer coefficient for flow type 1 (W/m^2.K) Re1 = subst(h1,h,Re) //Reynolds number for flow type 1 CO2 = 1.874*Re**(-1/3) //Co in terms of Reynolds number for flow tupe 2 x2 = solve(Co1-CO2,h) //Solving average heat transfer coefficient for flow type 2 (W/m^2.K) h2 = x2(1); //Average heat transfer coefficient for flow type 2 (W/m^2.K) Re2 = subst(h2,h,Re) //Reynolds number for flow type 2 h2 = round(h2*10**-1)/10**-1 //Result: printf("The type of condensation flow type 2 is laminar.") disp("And the condensation heat transfer coefficient is : ") disp(h2) disp("W/m^2.K.")