//Variable declaration: FV = 1.0 //Correction factor //From example 11.9: FE = 0.358 //Emissivity correction factor TH = 300.0+460.0 //Absolute temperature of external surface (°R) TC = 75.0+460.0 //Absolute temperature of duct (°R) AH = 0.622 //Area of pipe (ft^2) s = 0.173*10**-8 //Stefan-Boltzmann constant //Calculation: Q = FV*FE*AH*s*(TH**4-TC**4) //Heat transfer rate (Btu/h.ft) //Result: printf("The heat transfer rate is : %.2f Btu/h.ft",Q) printf("Since, Q obtained in (11.9) is 96.96 Btu/h.ft, the solution does not match with book.")