//Variable declaration: T1 = 127.0+273.0 //Surface temperature (K) T2 = 20.0+273.0 //Wall temperature (K) T3 = 22.0+273.0 //Air temperature (K) s = 5.669*10**-8 //Stefan-Boltzmann constant e = 0.76 //Surface emissivity of anodized aluminium D = 0.06 //Diameter of %pipe (m) L = 100.0 //Length of %pipe (m) h = 15.0 //%pipe convective heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K) //Calculation: Eb = s*T1**4 //Emissive energy of %pipe (W/m^2) E = e*Eb //Emissive power from surface of %pipe (W/m^2) A = %pi*D*L //Surface area of %pipe (m^2) Qc = h*A*(T1-T3) //Convection heat transfer to air (W) Qr = e*s*A*(T1**4-T2**4) //Radiation heat transfer rate (W) Q = Qc+Qr //Total heat transfer rate (Btu/h) Tav = (T1+T2)/2.0 //Average temperature (K) hr = 4*e*s*Tav**3 //Radiation heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K) //Result: printf("The emissive power from surface of %%pipe is : %.0f W/m^2.",E) printf("The convection heat transfer to air is : %.1f kW.",Qc/10**3) printf("The radiation heat transfer rate is : %.1f kW",Qr/10**3) printf("The radiation heat transfer coefficient is : %.1f W/m^2.K.",hr)