//Variable declaration: Ts = 120.0+460 //Surface temperature of plate (°R) Too = 60.0+460 //Ambient temperature of nitrogen (°R) L = 6 //Height of plate (ft) //From Appendix: p = 0.0713 //Air density (lb/ft^3) k = 0.01514 //Thermal conductivity (Btu/h.ft.°F) v = 16.82*10**-5 //Kinematic viscosity (ft^2/s) Pr = 0.713 //Prandtl number g = 32.2 //Gravitational acceleration (ft/s^2) //Calculation: Tf = (Ts+Too)/2 //Mean film temperature (°R) B = 1.0/Tf //Coefficient of expansion (°R^-1) Gr = g*B*(Ts-Too)*L**3/v**2 //Grashof number Ra = Gr*Pr //Rayleigh number //From equation 10.13(Table 10.2) and costants from Table 10.1: h = 0.10*(k/L)*Ra**(1.0/3.0) //Free convection heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2.°F) //Result: printf("The free convection heat transfer coefficient is : %.3f Btu/h.ft^2.°F .",h) printf("There is a calculation mistake in the book for calculating Gr, so, value of h alters from that given.")