//Variable declaration: Ts = 110.0+273.0 //Surface temperature of plate (K) Too = 30.0+273.0 //Ambient air temperature (K) L = 3.5 //Height of plate (m) g = 9.807 //Gravitational acceleration (m^2/s) //Calculation: Tf = (Ts+Too)/2 //Film temperature (K) DT = Ts - Too //Temperature difference between surface and air (K) //From appendix: v = 2.0*10**-5 //Kinematic viscosity for air (m^2/s) k = 0.029 //Thermal conductivity for air (W/m.K) Pr = 0.7 //Prandtl number B = 1.0/Tf //Coefficient of expansion (K^-1) Gr = g*B*DT*L**3/v**2 //Grashof number Ra = Gr*Pr //Rayleigh number //Result: printf("The Grashof number is : %.2f x 10^11 .",Gr/10**11) printf("The Rayleigh number is : %.2f x 10^11 .",Ra/10**11)