// example:-11.7,page no.-625. // program to design an amplifier to have a gain of 11 dB at 4 GHZ. s11=0.75*expm(%i*(-120)*%pi/180); s21=2.5*expm(%i*(80)*%pi/180); s12=0; s22=0.6*expm(%i*(-70)*%pi/180); Gsmax=1/(1-abs(s11)^2); Gsmax=10*log10(Gsmax); Glmax=1/(1-abs(s22)^2); Glmax=10*log10(Glmax); Go=abs(s21)^2; Go=10*log10(Go); Gtumax=Gsmax+Glmax+Go; disp(Gsmax,'the maximum matching section gain in dB = ') disp(Glmax,'the maximum matching section gain in dB = ') disp(Go,'the gain of the mismatched transistor in dB = ') disp(Gtumax,'the maximum unilateral transducer gain in dB = ')