// example:-11.3,page no.-593. // program to calculate the noise figure ig anteena is replaced by amplifier. L=10^0.2;T=300;To=290;Te=150; Fl=1+(L-1)*(T/To); Fld=10*log10(Fl); // converting in to dBm. Fa=1+(Te/To) Fad=10*log10(Fa);// converting in to dBm. Fcas=Fl+L*(Fa-1); Fcasd=10*log10(Fcas);// converting in to dBm. disp(Fcasd,'the noise figure of the cascade in dB = ') disp(Fad,'the noise figure of the amplifier in dB = ') disp(Fld,'the noise figure of the line in dB = ')