clear clc //Standard heat of reaction(J/mol) and Gibbs free energy(J/mol) Ho=-75300;Go=-14130; R=8.3214;T1=298; //With all specific heais alike,dCp=0 Hr=-Ho; K298=exp(-Go/(R*T1)); //Taking different values of T T1=[2;15;25;35;45;55;65;75;85;95];//degree celcius T=[278;288;298;308;318;328;338;348;358;368];//kelvin for i=1:10 K=K298*exp((Hr/R)*((1/T(i))-(1/298))); XAe(i)=K/(K+1); end plot(T1,XAe) xlabel('Temperature(C)') ylabel('XAe') disp(" From the graph we see temp must stay below 78 C if conversion of 75% or above is expected")