clear clc CA=[10;8;6;5;3;2;1];//mol/litre T=[0;20;40;60;120;180;300];//sec //plot(T,CA) //xlabel('Time(sec)');ylabel('CA(mol/litre)'); //From graph y=-dCA/dt at different points are y=[-0.1333;-0.1031;-0.0658;-0.0410;-0.0238;-0.0108;-0.0065]; //Guessing nth rate order //rA=kCA^n //log(-dCA/dt)=logk+nlogCA for i=1:7 log_y(i)=log10(y(i)); log_CA(i)=log10(CA(i)); end plot(log_CA,log_y) xlabel('logCA');ylabel('log(-dCA/dt)') coeff1=regress(log_CA,log_y); n=coeff1(2); k=-10^(coeff1(1)); printf("\n After doing linear regression,the slope and intercept of the graph is %f , %f",coeff(2),coeff(1)) printf("\n The rate equation is therefore given by %f",k) printf("CA^1.375 mol/litre.sec") disp('The answer slightly differs from those given in book as regress fn is used for calculating slope and intercept')