clear clc //Given t=[0 20 40 60 120 180 300]; C_A=[10 8 6 5 3 2 1]; CAo=10; //Guessing 1st order kinetics //This means log(CAo/C_A) vs t should give a straight line for i=1:7 k(i)=log(CAo/C_A(i)); CA_inv(i)=1/C_A(i); end //plot(t,k) //This doesn't give straight line. //Guessing 2nd Order Kinetics so //1/C_A vs t should give a straight line //plot(t,CA_inv) //Again this doesn't give a straight line //Guessing nth order kinetics and using fractional life method with F=80% //log Tf=log(0.8^(1-n)-1/(k(n-1)))+(1-n)logCAo //plot(t,C_A) //Picking different values of CAo //Time needed for 3 runs,,from graph T=[18.5;23;35]; CAo=[10;5;2]; for i=1:3 CA(i)=0.8*CAo(i); log_Tf(i)=log10(T(i)); log_CAo(i)=log10(CAo(i)); end plot(log_CAo,log_Tf) xlabel('log CAo');ylabel('log t'); coeff1=regress(log_CAo,log_Tf); n=1-coeff1(2); printf("From graph we get slope and intercept for calculating rate eqn") k1=((0.8^(1-n))-1)*(10^(1-n))/(18.5*(n-1)); printf("\n The rate equation is given by %f",k1) printf("CA^1.4 mol/litre.sec")