clear clc dp=2.4*(10^-3);L=dp/6; //Effective mass conductivity(m3/hr.mcat) De=5*10^-5; //Effective thermal conductivity(KJ/hr.mcat.K) Keff=1.6; //For the gas film surrounding the pellet h=160;//heat transfer coefficient(KJ/hr.m2cat.K) kg=300;//mass transfer coefficient(m3/hr.m2cat) //For the reaction Hr=-160;//KJ/molA CAg=20;//mol/m3 rA_obs=10^5;//mol/hr.m3cat kobs=rA_obs/CAg; Vp=3.14*(dp^3)/6; S=3.14*(dp^2); //Observed rate/rate if film resistance controls ratio=kobs*Vp/(kg*S); printf("\n Part a") if ratio<0.01 printf("\n Resistance to mass transport to film should not influence rate of reaction") else printf("\n Resistance to mass transport to film should influence rate of reaction") end printf("\n Part b") Mw=rA_obs*(L^2)/(De*CAg); printf("\n Mw= %f",Mw) if Mw>4 printf("\n Pore diffusion is influencing and hence strong pore diffusion") else printf("\n Pore diffusion is not influencing and hence weak pore diffuusion") end //Temp variation within pellet dt_max_pellet=De*(CAg-0)*(-Hr)/Keff; //Temp variation Across the gas film dt_max_film=L*rA_obs*(-Hr)/h; printf("\n Part c") printf("\n dTmax,pellet is %f",dt_max_pellet) printf(" degree C \n dTmax,film is %f",dt_max_film) printf(" degree C") if dt_max_pellet<1 printf("\n Pellet is close to uniform in temperature") else printf("\n There is a variation in temp within pellet") end if dt_max_film<1 printf("\n Film is close to uniform in temperature") else printf("\n There is a variation in temp within Film") end