clear ; clc; // Example 9.4 printf('Example 9.4\n\n'); printf('Page No. 260\n\n'); //(a) Design loss T1 = 18;// Internal teemperature(specified as an Environmental temperature) in degree celcius //From example 9.1 A = [150 200 40 75 75 200 40 1000 1000];// in m^2 U = [1.2 1.2 5.6 2 1.2 1.2 5.6 0.7 0.9];// in W/m-K Qf = 58.3*10^3;// Fabric loss in production area in W T2 = -3;// in degree celcius s1 =0; s2 = 0; for i = [1:1:9] s1 = s1+A(i); s2 = s2+U(i)*A(i); end A_T = s1;// Total area in m^2 UA_T = s2;// sum of U*A in W/m-K (answer wrongly calculated in the book) //From example 9.3 N_1 = 1.5;// Ventilation rate in the production area (air changes per hour) V_P = 6000;// Voulme of production area in m^3 //As Qvent = C * (T1 - T2) & C = 0.33*N*V*(1 + ((UA_T)/(4.8*A_T))) C = 0.33*N_1*V_P*(1 + ((UA_T)/(4.8*A_T))); Q_vent = C * (T1 - T2);// in W T_Q1 = Qf + Q_vent;// in W printf('The total design loss is %.0f W \n',T_Q1) // (deviation in answer is due to error in calculation in the book) //(b) Reduced heat loss // The heat transfer coeffieint in this problem has been changed as U1 U1 = [0.44 0.44 2.8 2 0.44 0.44 2.8 0.44 0.9];//in W/m^2-K T = [21 21 21 -3 21 21 21 21 21];// Temperature difference in degree celcius s3 = 0; s4 = 0; for i = [1:1:9] s3 = s3+U1(i)*A(i); s4 = s4+U1(i)*A(i)*T(i); end U1A_T = s3;// in W/m-k (answer wrongly calculated in the book) Q_loss = s4// in W //As Qvent = C * (T1 - T2) & C = 0.33*N*V*(1 + ((UA_T)/(4.8*A_T))) C = 0.33*N_1*V_P*(1 + ((U1A_T)/(4.8*A_T))) Q_vent = C * (T1 - T2)// in W T_Q2 = Q_loss + Q_vent// in W Red = T_Q1 - T_Q2;// In W printf('The reduction in loss is %.0f W',Red) // (deviation in answer is due to error in calculation in the book)