clear ; clc; // Example 5.6 printf('Example 5.6\n\n'); printf('Page No. 120\n\n'); // given x = 0.90;// dryness fraction m = 0.25;// Mass flow rate in kg/s P = 0.7;// pressure in bar T1 = 10;// in degree celcius //from steam table h_10= 42*10^3;// Specific enthalpy of water at 10 degree celcius in J/kg h_25 = 105*10^3;// Specific enthalpy of water at 25 degree celcius in J/kg h_30 = 126*10^3;// Specific enthalpy of water at 30 degree celcius in J/kg h_s = 2432*10^3;// Specific enthalpy of steam in J/kg //(a)T2 = 25; T2 = 25;// in degree celcius // By heat balance, heat transfered at 10 degree celcius = heat gained at 25 degree celcius; "(m*h_s)+(h_10*y)= (m*h_25)+(h_25*y)"; where 'y' is the quqntity of water to be used at 25 degree celcius in kg/s y = (m*(h_s-h_25)/(h_25-h_10)); printf('the quantity of water to be used at 25 degree celcius is %.2f kg/s \n',y) //(b)T2 = 30; T2 = 30;// in degree celcius // By heat balance, heat transfered at 10 degree celcius = heat gained at 30 degree celcius; "(m*h_s)+(h_10*y)= (m*h_30)+(h_30*y)"; where 'z' is the quqntity of water to be used at 30 degree celcius in kg/s z = (m*(h_s-h_30)/(h_30-h_10)); printf('the quantity of water to be used at 30 degree celcius is %.2f kg/s \n',z)