clear ; clc; // Example 5.2 printf('Example 5.2\n\n'); printf('Page No. 113\n\n'); // given T1 = 10;// in degree celcius T2 = 70;// in degree celcius d = 25*10^-3;// Inside diameter in m v = 1.5;// veocity in m/s Tm = (T1+T2)/2;// Arithmetic Mean temperature in degree celcius // At Tm, All physical properties of water is calculated by using steam table //(a)Heat absorbed by water p = 992;// Density of water in kg/m^3 At Tm A = (%pi*d^2)/4;// Area in m^2 m = p*v*A;// Mass flow rate in kg/s h_70 = 293*10^3;// Specific enthalpy of water in J/kg at 70 degree celcius(from steam table) h_10 = 42*10^3;// Specific enthalpy of water in J/kg at 10 degree celcius(from steam table) Q = m*(h_70 - h_10);// in W printf(' Heat absorbed by water is %.0f W \n',Q) //(b) Film heat transfer //At Tm, the following properites of water are found by using steam table u = 650*10^-6;// viscosity in Ns/m Cp = 4180;//Specific heat in J/kg-s K = 0.632;// Thermal conductivity in W/m-s Re = (d*v*p)/u;//Reynolds Number // answer wrongly calculated in the text book Pr = (Cp*u)/K;// Prandtl Number Re_d = (Re)^0.8; Pr_d = (Pr)^0.4; // By Dittus-Boelter Equation //Nu = 0.0232 * Re^0.8 Pr^0.4 = (hd)/K Nu = 0.0232 * Re_d * Pr_d;// Nusselt Number h = (Nu*K)/d;//W/m^2-K printf('The film heat transfer coefficient is %.0f W/sq.m K\n',h)// Deviation in answer due to direct substitution and wrongly calculated in the text book