clear ; clc; // Example 3.16 printf('Example 3.16\n\n'); printf('Page No. 79\n\n'); // given tb = [36*10^3 72*10^3 144*10^3 216*10^3]; //operating time in s U = [971 863 727 636];// Mean overall heat transfer rate in W/m^2-K A = 50;// area in m^2 dT = 25;// temperature difference in degree celcius ts = 54*10^3;// Time in sec (h converted to sec) //As Q = U*A*dT for i = [1:1:4] Q(i) = (U(i)*A*dT)/10^6; Q_a(i) = ((tb(i)*Q(i)*10^6)/(tb(i) + ts))/10^6; printf('the average heat transfer rate is %.3f *10^6 W \n',Q_a(i)) end //Refer figure 3.9 printf('\n') Q_max = 0.67*10^6;// Maximum value of Q in W T_opt = 33;// Time in h printf('The maximum value of Q obtained is %3.2e W \n',Q_max) printf('The most econnomic opertaing time for the heat exchanger to run is %.0f h ',T_opt)